New features in MakeNL v3.2.9:

    v3.2.9a -- Feb 5, 2010 (Bugfixes)
  • Fixes for Watcom builds.
  • Updated the support information in docs/whatsnew.txt, especiallly that for the Bug Tracker.
    v3.2.9 -- Jan 31, 2010
  • Someone hatched out an entirely unofficial v3.2.8 archive and the consensus was that we would skip that version and go directly to v3.2.9.
  • Fix for a bufferoverflow in the OS/2 version.
  • Don't allow -Unpublished- for Down and Hold nodes if Allowunpub is not set.
  • Don't include copyright, prolog and epilog unless we make the composite list.
  • If copyright, prolog or epilog is missing and we are making a composite list, a warning is shown and logged.
  • Improved check for misspelled -Unpublished-.
  • Check for Alpha phone number, if there are no alpha characters in the phone field treat the field as a normal phone number and do the normal checks for a valid phone number.
  • Added compiler defines to support 64 bit platforms.
  • Fixed case sensivity to change -unpublished-, only change real errors.