MakeNL was originally written by Ben Baker. This current incarnation is dedicated to his memory.

    This version of MakeNL (3.x) is the work of some talented and dedicated people who loaned their time and skills to the effort. Contributers are:
  • Johan Billing, Michiel Broek, Andrew Clarke, Robert James Clay, Robert Couture, Björn Felten, Michael Grant, Michael Karcher, Andrew Leary, and Bob Seaborn.
  • MakeNL Web Site by Robert James Clay, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
  • Besides being available here at the project Downloads, the MakeNL files have also been distributed via the COORDUTL file echo via the Fllegate Project, and may be available on any system that is connected to that file echo.